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EU digital single market

A true EU-wide digital single market will offer opportunities to businesses and consumers. Businesses will be able to achieve scale and have access to better information and lower transaction costs. Consumers will be able to benefit from higher number of offers at lower prices. Removing remaining barriers to the digital single market can add up to € 415 billion to European GDP.

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In order to build a true digital single market, policy-makers must address fragmentation of consumers and VAT rules at EU level, ensuring harmonised and consistent rules on data protection throughout Europe.


Position papers Date
Our digital policy ambition for the 2024-2029 legislature - a BusinessEurope position paper 06/12/2024
BusinessEurope’s high-level reaction to the "White Paper: How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?" 27/09/2024
The AI Act’s final stretch: regulating AI cannot be rushed - BusinessEurope statement 29/11/2023
Product liability and AI liability directives - a BusinessEurope position paper 14/04/2023
The proposal for a Cyber Resilience Act - a BusinessEurope position paper 15/03/2023
Joint industry statement on the EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act 23/02/2023
The Data Act is a leap into the unknown - Joint industry statement 01/02/2023
The proposal for a Data Act - a BusinessEurope position paper 31/01/2023
Underestimating the Data Act’s impact on trade secrets’ protection will undermine European industrial competitiveness - Joint statement by BusinessEurope and Orgalim 17/01/2023
Potential AI Act general approach - a BusinessEurope statement 30/11/2022
BusinessEurope statement on the draft EU Cloud Certification Scheme 28/06/2022
Proposal for a revised Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS 2 Directive) - a BusinessEurope position paper 31/05/2021
The digital services package - a BusinessEurope position paper 12/10/2020
A European strategy for data 23/06/2020
The digital response to COVID-19 02/04/2020
Digital Services Act: the Single Market pillar 11/02/2020
Cybersecurity of the 5G Ecosystem - a BusinessEurope position paper 04/06/2019
Our Digital Ambition: priorities for 2019-2024 15/04/2019
The Platform to Business proposal - a BusinessEurope position paper 24/09/2018
The proposal for a Cybersecurity Act - Additional points by BusinessEurope 10/05/2018
The proposal for a Cybersecurity Act - a BusinessEurope position paper 23/11/2017
The proposal for a free flow of data regulation - a BusinessEurope position paper 21/11/2017
The digital single market: mid-term review 04/05/2017
Building a European data economy - a BusinessEurope position paper 26/04/2017
Public letters Date
Council conclusions on the future of the EU digital policy - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer 21/05/2024
Protection of trade secrets in the proposal for a Data Act - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Coreper 1 20/06/2023
Shaping Europe’s digital future - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Oleg Butković in advance of the 5 June TTE Council conclusions 29/05/2020
Digital Europe programme (2021-2027) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to European Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip 24/09/2018
The European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) - Intra-EU calls - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Ivaylo Moskovski 01/06/2018
Joint Industry Statement on the EU Free Flow of Data Regulation 18/12/2017
The European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to members of the European Parliament ITRE Committee 28/07/2017
Press releases Date
BusinessEurope reacts to the European Parliament Plenary vote on the AI Act 13/03/2024
BusinessEurope reacts to political deal on EU AI Act 11/12/2023
BusinessEurope reacts to today’s EU Parliament plenary vote on the EU Data Act 09/11/2023
Data Act: EU data sharing framework should foster investment 23/02/2022
Europe’s digital masterplan: a push into the digital age 19/02/2020
Making the free flow of data a reality 09/11/2018
European Parliament advances fight against Europe’s cyberthreats 12/09/2018
Europe should counter cybersecurity threats now 10/07/2018
Industry has a role to play in Europe’s cybersecure future 08/06/2018
Europe favours a responsible Digital Single Market 25/04/2018
Council should not exempt the free flow of data 18/12/2017
Ending roaming charges - Europe needs more investment in digital infrastructure 14/06/2017
Digital single market: strategy review could bring breakthrough 10/05/2017
EU business should be free to move data 10/01/2017
Facts and figures Date
The Cyber Resilience Act - BusinessEurope reply to the European Commission call for evidence 24/05/2022


Svetlana Stoilova

+32 2 237 65 46
Last updated: 6 December 2024