Structural reforms and economic governance
with economic growth in the US exceeding that in the EU for the seventh time in the last ten years in 2023. The EU has failed to close its long-term productivity gap with the US, with EU overall productivity in 2022 only 75% of that enjoyed in the US. Similarly, the gap in productive investment continues to widen; productive investment in 2022 amounted to 15% of GDP in the US versus 11% in the EU.

Our 2024 survey shows that for 88% of our national member federations, having declined significantly between 2020 and 2023, there was no improvement in the attractiveness of the EU's investment environment vis-à-vis our major competitors over the last 12 months. Moreover, over half of our member federations (54%) believe that the regulatory burden for companies operating in the EU increased in 2023. During the next political cycle, the EU needs to put competitiveness at the forefront.