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EU single market strategy

BusinessEurope pleads for the single market as a fair market with the unquestioned freedoms of movement of people, capital, goods, services and data. It is crucial that there is understanding why the single market is the strongest tool to reap benefits of digitalisation and address the primary challenges people of Europe face, such as climate change, migration, global trade tensions and Brexit, along with a generally unstable global geo-political landscape. No EU member state is capable of addressing it all alone.

Freedoms of movement of capital, goods, services, people and data on the single market can give huge economic power to the EU, its members individually and as a whole, enabling Europeans to gain more from globalisation. Further opening and integration of the markets of goods and services and barrier-free conditions for data economy are needed.

At the policy making level, the Single Market should be brought back to the top of the political agenda of the EU as an overarching instrument and “reflex” for the future-proof EU and national policy and law-making.


Press releases Date
Letta Report: A significant call for a reboot of the EU Single Market 17/04/2024
Publication of 'Long-term competitiveness of the EU' and 'The Single Market at 30': Top quality competitiveness checks are needed for all EU policy and regulatory initiatives 16/03/2023
EU action against Single Market barriers most welcome 10/03/2020
Single Market barriers undermine EU’s economic power 22/11/2018
Open the digital door and bring EU company law into 21st century 25/04/2018
EU Single Market: Council should build on 25 years of success 12/03/2018
Compliance Package: Positive move, but serious concerns about SMIT 02/05/2017
Position papers Date
Joint call for a comprehensive long-term Single Market agenda 29/02/2024
Major business and consumer umbrella groups call on European Parliament to safeguard the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) - Joint statement by BusinessEurope and BEUC 06/12/2023
Priorities for the Single Market beyond 2024 - Reigniting the engine of Europe's global economic leadership 28/11/2023
The Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI) - a BusinessEurope position paper 12/01/2023
Joint industry statement - Businesses call for fresh political engagement to renew economic integration in the single market 27/06/2022
Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI) - BusinessEurope reply to the public consultation 2022 11/05/2022
Single Market governance package of March 2020 10/06/2020
Priorities for the single market beyond 2019 - BusinessEurope strategy paper - Update 12/09/2019
Priorities for the single market beyond 2019 - BusinessEurope strategy paper 20/11/2018
Comments on SMIT, Single Digital Gateway and SOLVIT 10/10/2017
Public letters Date
The Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Deputy Permanent Representatives of Member States (Coreper 1) 31/05/2023
The Single Market aspects in the updated industrial strategy - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Thierry Breton 22/09/2021
Enforcement of single market rules: task force to deliver (SMET) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Thierry Breton 16/04/2021
Single Market as enabler of successful recovery and twin green-digital transition - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Anna Cavazzini 20/11/2020
EU Competitiveness Council policy debate on 18 September 2020: Single Market as enabler of successful recovery and resilience of the EU economy - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Peter Altmaier 16/09/2020
The Single Market Programme (2021-2027) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer 12/10/2018
Comments on the 2017 Compliance Package (SMIT, Single Digital Gateway and SOLVIT) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to the EP IMCO Committee 10/10/2017
Facts and figures Date
Examples of Single Market barriers for businesses - 2023 31/05/2023
Examples of Single Market barriers for businesses - 2022 10/05/2022
Examples of Single Market barriers for businesses 15/09/2020


Martynas Barysas

+32 2 237 65 72
Last updated: 28 November 2023