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Data protection

European competitiveness relies on the collection and use of data, including personal data. Data-driven innovation can leverage 330 billion euros a year in the EU by 2020. The new EU data protection framework must truly help the digitalisation of the European economy.

Discussions on the data protection regulation show that Europe is still very much risk-averse towards digital compared to other economic areas. It is important for Europe to reassess its risk-opportunity balance and exploit the opportunities rather than focus on the threats of the data-driven economy. The EU data protection rules at the same time must ensure the protection of EU citizens and the free movement of data in the digital single market, which is essential to development of the digital economy. The ability to transfer data not only within Europe, but also outside, is crucial for companies everywhere in the world, no matter their size, their sector or the geographic area where they operate.


Public letters Date
China's draft personal information protection law (PIPL) and data security law (DSL) in China - Joint letter from a series of business and industry organisations 02/06/2021
EDPB guidance following Schrems II - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Andrea Jelinek, Chair of the European Data Protection Board 30/09/2020
Shaping Europe’s digital future - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Oleg Butković in advance of the 5 June TTE Council conclusions 29/05/2020
ePrivacy - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Minna Kivimäki, Deputy Permanent Representative of Finland to the EU 09/10/2019
The ePrivacy proposal - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Nikolaus Marschik, Ambassador of Austria to the EU 25/10/2018
The future of the ePrivacy Regulation - Joint industry letter 31/05/2018
EU Parliament locks-in poor mandate ahead of e-Privacy negotiations 26/10/2017
ePrivacy Regulation (ePR) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to members of the European Parliament 05/10/2017
Article 29 Working Party stakeholder consultation - Joint industry letter to Frans Timmermans and Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin 13/07/2017
EP LIBE motion for a resolution on the EU-US Privacy Shield - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to members of the European Parliament 03/04/2017
Provisions on cross-border data flows to be included in future trade agreements - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta 17/03/2017
Draft general data protection regulation (GDPR) guidelines - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, Chair of the Working Party 29 10/02/2017
Position papers Date
Safeguarding data flows: a joint statement from leading European associations on EDPB "supplementary measures" Recommendations 21/12/2020
The digital response to COVID-19 02/04/2020
Review of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 17/12/2019
Europe set to legislate itself out of the digital economy - a BusinessEurope statement 08/03/2019
BUSINESSEUROPE - DIGITALEUROPE joint statement on the 2nd annual EU-US Privacy Shield review 17/10/2018
Cyber-enabled industrial espionage - BusinessEurope statement 04/10/2018
Non-paper: ePrivacy position summary 16/05/2018
The proposal for a Cybersecurity Act - Additional points by BusinessEurope 10/05/2018
The proposal for a Cybersecurity Act - a BusinessEurope position paper 23/11/2017
The proposal for an ePrivacy Regulation - a BusinessEurope position paper 22/06/2017
Complying with the general data protection regulation (GDPR) in practice - BusinessEurope comments 06/02/2017
Reports and studies Date
Schrems II - Impact survey report 26/11/2020
Press releases Date
A cloud of uncertainty hangs over international data transfers 17/07/2020
The GDPR in review: a good start but improvement necessary 24/06/2020
Europe should counter cybersecurity threats now 10/07/2018
Industry has a role to play in Europe’s cybersecure future 08/06/2018
GDPR: Making improved data protection a reality 24/05/2018
Divided e-Privacy vote demonstrates lack of Parliament debate 19/10/2017
EU business should be free to move data 10/01/2017


Svetlana Stoilova

+32 2 237 65 46
Last updated: 15 September 2015