TTIP – we must remain ambitious
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) must remain a comprehensive agreement. Both sides need to engage in the negotiations throughout the year to be able to conclude a political agreement that includes the most difficult issues during President Obama’s term. This was the key message BUSINESSEUROPE gave at today's breakfast debate with TTIP chief negotiators Ignacio Garcia Bercero (EU) and Daniel Mullaney (USA) in Brussels.
Several sensitive and important issues are still open in the current 12th round of TTIP talks in Brussels.
Markus J. Beyrer, Director General of BUSINESSEUROPE, stated: "We need a comprehensive agreement giving both sides new market opportunities in public procurement. We also need to eliminate unnecessary costs stemming from different regulations on testing and labelling requirements. These objectives are the very essence of our support for TTIP and the USA are well aware of it. We also need substantial progress in the regulatory chapter across the different sectors. A permanent structure for consistent dialogue between regulators is essential".
With the USA lifting their export ban on crude oil, the EU and the USA have new prospects of including an energy chapter into TTIP.
"We are confident that both sides will see the merits of including an energy chapter in TTIP. This agreement aims to establish modern and ambitious rules in a number of areas that are not sufficiently covered by multilateral agreements. We need to set the example for others to follow."