Go for growth - An agenda for the European Union in 2010-2014
On 4 February 2009, BUSINESSEUROPE President Jürgen R. Thumann and Director General Philippe de Buck presented 'Go for Growth', BUSINESSEUROPE’s agenda for the EU in 2010-2014. Together with the (Vice-) Presidents from BUSINESSEUROPE’s Swedish, Slovenian, Polish and Italian member federations, Mrs Arnegård-Hansen, Mr Meh, Mrs Bochniarz and Mr Moltrasio, they outlined that BUSINESSEUROPE's agenda 2010-2014 is the recipe for doubling growth in Europe. Go for growth should be more than just a slogan. It should inspire every political decision. Meeting Presidents Van Rompuy, Barroso and Buzek to present them its agenda ahead of the EU Council on 11 February 2010, BUSINESSEUROPE counts on the EU institutions to implement this agenda for sustainable growth. Companies for their part bring their contribution to achieve a dynamic and innovative resource-efficient economy.