EU action plan on tackling the gender pay gap - a BusinessEurope position paper
Key messages
- BusinessEurope and its member federations are fully committed to the principle of gender neutral pay systems. Men and women carrying out the same work with the same performance shall be paid equally. Employers hence support efforts to tackle the gender pay gap and are ready to contribute to a debate based on facts as well as to concrete and realistic actions addressing the true causes of the gap.
- The Commission's EU Action Plan includes a number of priorities which BusinessEurope regards as part of the solution to provide more equal opportunities for men and women, such as challenging segregation in the labour market and at the workplace, confronting stereotypes or encouraging more women to take leadership roles. The primary explanation of the gender pay gap is that gender roles, individual preferences and stereotypes have a determining effect on the existing division of labour.
- The equal pay principle is adequately embedded in EU and national legislations. Consequently, there is no need to reopen the Recast Directive on gender equality. The focus should be put on the better enforcement and application of existing rules, with the close involvement of social partners. Closing the gap requires a cultural shift, rather than a legislative effort.
- Childcare services have been shown to strongly influence the participation of women in the labour market. Therefore, investments and coordinated national policies must be promoted to improve the availability and functioning of care infrastructures. This will improve women’s employment participation and help achieve better gender balance across sectors and occupations, hence reducing the gender pay gap.
What does BusinessEurope aim for?
- Promote a fact-based debate on the gender pay gap and its true causes.
- Support policy responses that are balanced, including the responsibility of all stakeholders to make progress.
- Express deep concerns about the suggested reopening of the Recast Directive on gender equality and any further measures at EU level leading to disclose individual pay.