CETA moves ahead, but an effective EU trade policy must be ensured
On the agreement from all Member States to sign the CETA deal between the European Union and Canada, BusinessEurope President Emma Marcegaglia commented:
“We welcome that a solution has finally been found, allowing the EU and all its Member States to sign the agreement with Canada. CETA can now move ahead. This puts us a step closer to making this long awaited agreement a reality”.
“Our citizens will then be able to judge first-hand on the merits of CETA and how much this agreement is good for Europe”.
“Going forward, we need to ensure that an effective solution is found to address the shortcomings in governance revealed by the CETA signature process. The respect of the Treaties and the EU exclusive competence in Trade policy cannot be compromised. This is an imperative for the EU’s ability to stand internationally as a credible and reliable partner ”, President Marcegaglia added.