EU-Japan FTA negotiations moving forward
“BusinessEurope follows these negotiations very closely; we believe there is a lot of potential for both sides in an ambitious and comprehensive free-trade agreement”, Markus J. Beyrer, Director General of BusinessEurope, said at an EU-Japan breakfast meeting on 17 May. For European business, this means an ambitious chapter on market access, a good agreement on non-tariff barriers, adequate protection of geographical indications, a far-reaching chapter on public procurement, and including a strong mechanism of regulatory cooperation. Improved access to services and investment is also crucial. Yoichi Suzuki, the chief trade negotiator for Japan, subsequently highlighted that the EU is an ideal partner for Japan and has an ideal model of trade liberalisation and concern for consumer safety. “The current uncertainties in the global trading system”, Mr Beyrer concluded, “imply that our agreement will also help reinforce the message that we stand for open and rule-based trade”. The breakfast discussion was co-hosted by BusinessEurope and the Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE). Photos