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Markus J. Beyrer meets the ENVI chairwoman

“Circular economy can be a game changer. It has the potential to become a real growth driver, and this requires a complete rethinking of how we shape our economy. BusinessEurope is setting up a web platform to showcase good practices among Europe’s industry and to engage in a dialogue on the challenges”, Beyrer said at a meeting with Ms Adina Ioana Vãlean, the new chairperson of the ENVI committee of the European Parliament. They also touched upon the ongoing REACH review, international developments on climate change and the forthcoming negotiations on the reform of the EU emission trading scheme (ETS). On the latter, Beyrer stressed that “any increase in ambition to boost the carbon price must be accompanied by more focus on making sure the best in class gets enough free allowance through a 5% points shift.”

Last updated: 21 March 2017