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Going digital is a necessity for Europe’s recovery and competitiveness

"Digital transformation is no longer an option, but a necessity to deliver growth to Europe. Innovation is its driving force", BUSINESSEUROPE Director General Markus J. Beyrer said at a high-level conference on digital economy on 5 April in Madrid. He stressed how European coordination is key to reaping the full benefits of digitalisation. Technology and information have the potential to transform companies of any size in all sectors. We need to avoid fragmentation and encourage the creation of digital hubs across the continent. This requires balanced regulation, education, and mind-set changes. Digital can truly be at the heart of Europe’s recovery, but only in an innovation-friendly environment. The conference was organised by AMETIC, the Spanish Association of Electronics, Information and Communications Technologies, Telecommunications and Digital Content Companies - a member of our Spanish member federation CEOE. Photos

Last updated: 7 April 2016