
Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Proin sapien ipsum, porta a, auctor quis, euismod ut, mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio.

Etiam sollicitudin, ipsum eu pulvinar rutrum, tellus ipsum laoreet sapien, quis venenatis ante odio sit amet eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id mi. Etiam vitae tortor.

Morbi mattis ullamcorper velit. Curabitur at lacus ac velit ornare lobortis. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Nam commodo suscipit quam.

Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Proin sapien ipsum, porta a, auctor quis, euismod ut, mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id odio.

Etiam sollicitudin, ipsum eu pulvinar rutrum, tellus ipsum laoreet sapien, quis venenatis ante odio sit amet eros. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id mi. Etiam vitae tortor.

Morbi mattis ullamcorper velit. Curabitur at lacus ac velit ornare lobortis. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Nam commodo suscipit quam.


Position papers Date
A proactive trade agenda for EU competitiveness: priorities for the next political cycle 12/09/2024
Evaluation of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive - BusinessEurope's comments in response to the call for evidence 11/09/2024
Third-party litigation funding (TPLF): contribution to the European Commission study 02/09/2024
Evaluation of Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 on European Standardisation - BusinessEurope's response to the public consultation 25/07/2024
Priorities for the EU transport sector beyond 2024 - a BusinessEurope position paper 24/07/2024
European Commission proposals to improve the quality of traineeships in the EU - a BusinessEurope position paper 18/07/2024
Better regulation in the new legislature - a BusinessEurope position paper 17/07/2024
Fitness Check on the Directive on Administrative Cooperation in the field of direct taxation - BusinessEurope’s response to the Call for Evidence for an Evaluation 17/07/2024
Championing Open Trade for a Prosperous Future - EU Business Joint Declaration 15/07/2024
EU environmental policy - BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029 10/07/2024
EU circular economy policy - BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029 10/07/2024
EU sustainable finance - BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029 10/07/2024
EU research and innovation - BusinessEurope priorities for 2024-2029 10/07/2024
Joint Statement for an Ambitious FP10: Investing in Europe’s Future Competitiveness through Collaborative Research, Development, and Innovation 04/07/2024
Energy and climate transition: How to strengthen the EU's competitiveness 04/07/2024
Budapest declaration - BusinessEurope's Council of Presidents 28/06/2024
First-stage consultation of European social partners on possible EU action in the area of telework and workers' right to disconnect - BusinessEurope response 25/06/2024
Priorities for the future of the EU state aid framework 20/06/2024
EU Action Plan on Labour and Skills shortages - a BusinessEurope position paper 14/06/2024
Industry calls on the Council of the European Union to establish a certain and pragmatic framework under the Green Claims Directive 03/06/2024
Business views on a European economic security strategy - a BusinessEurope position paper 30/05/2024
Voting for Europe: Securing a bright future, together - a joint statement by the European social partners 22/05/2024
Global Gateway initiative - BusinessEurope's suggestions and way forward 22/05/2024
The EU proposal revising the Directive on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) (Directive 2013/11/EU) - Joint statement by BusinessEurope, Eurochambres and SMEunited 22/05/2024
B7 Italy - Final communiqué - Leading the transitions together 17/05/2024
The EU proposal on compulsory licensing - Joint business statement 08/05/2024
Industry calls on the Council of the European Union to carefully consider the options for the establishment of a certain and practical framework under the Green Claims Directive 08/05/2024
European Labour Authority evaluation and future priorities - BusinessEurope input 06/05/2024
Proposal for a Regulation establishing an EU Talent Pool - a BusinessEurope position paper 06/05/2024
Proposed regulation on late payment - Joint statement by BusinessEurope, EuroChambres and EuroCommerce 22/04/2024
Amendment of Combined Transport Directive - a BusinessEurope position paper 08/04/2024
U.S.-EU Trade & Technology Council: Business Priorities for the 6th Ministerial - Joint statement by BusinessEurope and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 03/04/2024
Renewal of the EU Autonomous Trade Measures (ATMs) to support Ukraine - a BusinessEurope statement 20/03/2024
Joint call for a comprehensive long-term Single Market agenda 29/02/2024
The European Commission proposal to revise the European Works Councils Directive - a BusinessEurope position paper 21/02/2024
Global industry statement on the WTO Moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions 02/02/2024
International business priorities for the 13th WTO Ministerial 01/02/2024
Priorities for the political trialogues on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - a BusinessEurope statement 31/01/2024
U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council: Business priorities for the 5th Ministerial 26/01/2024
Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation (BEFIT) - a BusinessEurope position paper 24/01/2024
Proposal for a Directive on transfer pricing - a BusinessEurope position paper 22/12/2023
Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) - European Commission consultation - a BusinessEurope position paper 20/12/2023
Our digital policy ambition for the 2024-2029 legislature - a BusinessEurope position paper 18/12/2023
Revision of the Weights and Dimensions Directive - a BusinessEurope position paper 14/12/2023
Directive establishing a head office tax system for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - a BusinessEurope position paper 14/12/2023
Algorithmic management at work - a BusinessEurope policy orientation note 13/12/2023
Multiple-vote share structures proposal in view of trilogue negotiations - Joint statement by BusinessEurope and EuropeanIssuers 06/12/2023
Major business and consumer umbrella groups call on European Parliament to safeguard the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee (IMCO) - Joint statement by BusinessEurope and BEUC 06/12/2023
Revision of the European Works Councils Directive - a BusinessEurope advocacy paper 30/11/2023
The AI Act’s final stretch: regulating AI cannot be rushed - BusinessEurope statement 29/11/2023
BusinessEurope expectations for COP28 29/11/2023
Priorities for the Single Market beyond 2024 - Reigniting the engine of Europe's global economic leadership 28/11/2023
SME Relief Package and the Late Payment Regulation - a BusinessEurope position paper 27/11/2023
19th Canada-European Union Leader's Summit - Joint business statement 24/11/2023
Brussels declaration - BusinessEurope's Council of Presidents 24/11/2023
Council Recommendations on “Improving the provision of digital skills in education and training” and “Key enabling factors for successful digital education and training" - a BusinessEurope position paper 14/11/2023
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) - Call for harmonisation and complementarity of reuse and recycling 14/11/2023
Second-stage consultation of social partners on a possible action further improving the quality of traineeships - BusinessEurope response 07/11/2023
La Hulpe Summit preparations – EU employers’ written input on the future of social Europe 03/11/2023
Annual sustainable growth strategy 2024: consultation of European social partners - Employers' views 31/10/2023
Union Customs Code reform – a BusinessEurope position paper 24/10/2023
Product Liability Directive: European industry calls for a major rethink 20/10/2023
Joint statement by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and BusinessEurope ahead of the US-EU Summit on 20 October 2023 16/10/2023
Industrial Emissions Directive - BusinessEurope statement in view of the second trilogue meeting on 10 October 2023 09/10/2023
Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 on European Standardisation call for evidence - a BusinessEurope statement 28/09/2023
Europe must maintain industry know-how for its standardisation system to succeed - Joint statement by BusinessEurope and Orgalim 08/09/2023
Working time flexibility - a BusinessEurope policy orientation note 07/09/2023
First-stage consultation of social partners on a possible action further improving the quality of traineeships - BusinessEurope response 06/09/2023
Multiple-vote share structures proposal - a BusinessEurope statement 22/08/2023
Green Claims proposal - a BusinessEurope position paper 02/08/2023
The EU economic governance review - a BusinessEurope position paper 25/07/2023
Proposals on Supplementary Protection Certificates - a BusinessEurope position paper 18/07/2023
Compulsory licencing for crisis management - a BusinessEurope position paper 18/07/2023
Evaluation and review of the EU's FDI Screening Regulation - BusinessEurope contribution to the public consultation 14/07/2023
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) – Reporting obligations during the transition period of CBAM - BusinessEurope response to the consultation 11/07/2023
Press releases Date
Business calls for a proactive, creative and forward-looking EU trade agenda 11/09/2024
BusinessEurope welcomes Draghi report and calls for urgent action to restore the EU’s competitive edge 09/09/2024
New study shows that Europe’s energy price gap will worsen without urgent action 04/07/2024
High time for a new European competitiveness deal: Business message to the Hungarian Presidency 28/06/2024
Pro-European majority needs to put competitiveness front and centre 11/06/2024
EU growth to pick up slightly, but industry still facing huge challenges 05/06/2024
European Economic Security: Striking the right balance between security and competitiveness 30/05/2024
EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: BusinessEurope reacts to the Council adoption 24/05/2024
U.S. Chamber and BusinessEurope Host Annual Transatlantic Business Works Summit 23/04/2024
Letta Report: A significant call for a reboot of the EU Single Market 17/04/2024
EU Elections: Europe needs a reboot to restore its global competitiveness 09/04/2024
BusinessEurope reaction to EU action plan on labour and skills shortages 20/03/2024
No improvement in the EU’s investment environment in 2023 20/03/2024
Agreement on EU due diligence: still far from a workable solution 15/03/2024
BusinessEurope reacts to approval of the political agreement on prohibiting products made with forced labour 13/03/2024
BusinessEurope reacts to the European Parliament Plenary vote on the AI Act 13/03/2024
WTO Ministerial finds interim solution on e-commerce 01/03/2024
New Trade Deals show EU’s commitment to Africa and Latin America 29/02/2024
New study shows urgent need to reform EU permitting 13/02/2024
BEFIT Tax Package: Business community urges caution and global alignment 25/01/2024
Commission proposal for revision of European Works Council Directive would damage well-functioning social dialogue practices 24/01/2024
Economic security - Business welcomes clarity and further debate 24/01/2024
EU industry has high expectations of the upcoming EU competitiveness report 11/01/2024
Platform Work Directive: BusinessEurope message ahead of EU Member States meeting 20/12/2023
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Proposal: BusinessEurope reacts to General Approach 19/12/2023
BusinessEurope reacts to the political deal on the EU Product Liability Directive 14/12/2023
EU due diligence could leave companies between a rock and a hard place 12/12/2023
BusinessEurope reacts to political deal on EU AI Act 11/12/2023
BusinessEurope reacts to deal on Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation reached by EU co-legislators 05/12/2023
European business message for COP28 - All G20 countries should commit to 2030 targets 29/11/2023
Business message to Belgian EU Presidency: Tackle the short-term challenges and empower the European economy for the future 24/11/2023
BusinessEurope reacts to European Parliament Plenary vote on EU-New Zealand FTA 22/11/2023
Skills and Talent Mobility package: It is high time that the EU acknowledges the role of economic migration in helping to address Europe’s labour and skills needs 15/11/2023
BusinessEurope reacts to today’s EU Parliament plenary vote on the EU Data Act 09/11/2023
BusinessEurope Economic Outlook shows significant drop in European business sentiment 08/11/2023
New survey of European companies highlights critical labour and skills shortages 30/10/2023
EU-US Summit falls short of business expectations 21/10/2023
Providing real relief for SMEs – BusinessEurope’s SME Roadshow in Rome 04/10/2023
BusinessEurope offers to the ETUC to negotiate the revision of the European Works Councils Directive 04/10/2023
Critical Raw Materials: EU Parliament shows ambition to secure and diversify supplies 14/09/2023
BusinessEurope reacts to proposed EU Framework for Income Taxation 12/09/2023
SME Relief Package: Revision of Late Payment Directive should better reflect business reality 12/09/2023
EU’s due diligence rules must be workable for companies and must not weaken the internal market 07/09/2023
EU-CELAC Summit: EU needs to show real commitment to strengthen economic ties with the region 14/07/2023
Public letters Date
Applying the discontinuity principle on European works councils (EWCs) - Letters from Markus J. Beyrer to European Parliament groups 05/09/2024
ED/2024/3 Contracts for renewable electricity - Letter from Erik Berggren to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 05/08/2024
ED 2024 1 Business combinations: disclosures, goodwill and impairment - Letter from Erik Berggren to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 15/07/2024
EBA guidelines of the definition of default - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to the European Banking Authority 24/06/2024
An ambitious New European Competitiveness Deal for industry and services is needed to deliver the EU Strategic Agenda 2004-2009 - Message to the European Council meeting on 27-28 June 2024 21/06/2024
La Hulpe declaration on the occasion of the EPSCO Council meeting on 20 June - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Coreper 1 10/06/2024
Revision of the European Works Councils Directive - Joint EU employers' statement ahead of the Coreper meeting on 5 June 2024 31/05/2024
Key messages to EU Competitiveness Council of 24 May 2024 - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Pierre-Yves Dermagne 22/05/2024
Council conclusions on the future of the EU digital policy - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer 21/05/2024
A new European deal is needed to improve Europe's competitiveness - Message to the special European Council meeting on 17-18 April 2024 15/04/2024
e-Declaration for the posting of workers - Joint letter to Ursula Von der Leyen, President of the European Commission 05/04/2024
Revision of the European Works Councils Directive - Joint EU employers' statement 22/03/2024
The declining attractiveness of the EU as a business location has not been halted - Message to the European Council meeting on 21-22 March 2024 19/03/2024
Key messages to EU Competitiveness Council of 7 March 2024 - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Pierre-Yves Dermagne 01/03/2024
Proposed revisions to the Energy Taxation Directive - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Vincent Van Peteghem 28/02/2024
Proposal for a Regulation prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Pierre-Yves Dermagne 26/02/2024
Compulsory licensing for crisis management - Letters from Markus J. Beyrer 01/02/2024
Liquified natural gas (LNG) export license applications and security of energy supply - Joint letter from BusinessEurope, Keidanren and the U.S. Chamber to the Hon. Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States 26/01/2024
VAT digital reporting: an urgent need for a common framework - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Vincent Van Peteghem 10/01/2024
Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Teresa Ribera Rodriguez 13/12/2023
Strengthening the EU’s economy to play a strong role in the world - Message to the European Council meeting on 14-15 December 2023 12/12/2023
Key messages to EU Competitiveness Council of 7-8 December 2023 - Letters from Markus J. Beyrer 05/12/2023
BusinessEurope's priorities ahead of the EU-China Summit - Letters from Markus J. Beyrer 05/12/2023
Making business easier in Europe is the key to a better future - BusinessEurope’s message to the European Council meeting on 26-27 October 2023 20/10/2023
Seizing opportunities - Time to seal an ambitious EU-Australia FTA - Joint statement by EABC and BusinessEurope 09/10/2023
BusinessEurope’s response to the Commission second-stage consultation on European Works Councils - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Nicolas Schmit 04/10/2023
BusinessEurope offers to open negotiations on the revision of the European Works Councils Directive - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Esther Lynch 04/10/2023
Application of the "own use" exception on power purchase contracts - Letter from Erik Berggren to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 02/10/2023
The European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to MEP Danuta Hübner 27/09/2023
Recommendations for the trilogues on the TEN-T (Trans-European Transport Network) Regulation - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Raquel Sánchez Jiménez 20/09/2023
Key messages to EU Competitiveness Council of 25 September 2023 - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Héctor José Gómez Hernández 20/09/2023
Impacts of regulations on competitiveness - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Héctor José Gómez Hernández 15/09/2023
ED/2023/2 - Amendments to the Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments - Letter from Erik Berggren to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 18/07/2023
Application of the "own use" exception in the light of current market and geopolitical questions - Letter from Erik Berggren to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) 10/07/2023
Jobs Date
Job advert - Adviser to manage economic and social research projects 10/06/2024
Job advert - Director for the Economics Department 30/05/2024
Junior Adviser for the Social Affairs Department 12/03/2024
Job advert - Junior Adviser Social Media and Graphic Design 04/03/2024
Job advert - Junior Adviser for the Legal Affairs Department 13/02/2024
Job advert - Junior Adviser for the International Relations Department 15/01/2024
Job advert - Junior Adviser for the Industrial Affairs Department 29/09/2023
Reports and studies Date
BusinessEurope Economic Outlook Spring 2024 - EU economy to slowly return to growth, but long-term challenges remain 05/06/2024
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) implementation - a BusinessEurope survey 14/05/2024
Reboot Europe - Stronger businesses, stronger European Union 09/04/2024
BUSINESSEUROPE Reform Barometer 2024 - Putting competitiveness at the forefront of the next political cycle 20/03/2024
Licence to transform: SWOT analysis of industrial permitting in Europe - a BusinessEurope survey 13/02/2024
BusinessEurope Economic Outlook Autumn 2023 - Growth muted as high interest rates impact consumption and investment 08/11/2023
Message to European political parties ahead of the 2024 European Parliament elections: Stronger businesses, stronger European Union 08/11/2023
Analysis of labour and skills shortages: Overcoming bottlenecks to productivity and growth 30/10/2023
Speeches Date
La Hulpe high-level conference on the European pillar of social rights - Address by Markus J. Beyrer 16/04/2024
An economically and socially strong Europe to play its role in the world - Tripartite Social Summit, 20 March 2024 - Address by BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson 20/03/2024
Val Duchesse Social Partners Summit, Brussels - Address by BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson 31/01/2024
Delivering on building blocks for a successful European economy for workers and companies - Tripartite Social Summit, 25 October 2023 - Address by BusinessEurope President Fredrik Persson 25/10/2023
CEOE event on a strategic vision to strengthen Europe’s economic security and global leadership - Speech by Fredrik Persson, President of BusinessEurope 13/09/2023
Facts and figures Date
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for The Netherlands 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Sweden 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Spain 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Slovenia 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for the Slovak Republic 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Romania 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Portugal 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Poland 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Malta 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Lithuania 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Italy 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Ireland 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Hungary 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Greece 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Germany 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for France 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Finland 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Estonia 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Denmark 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for the Czech Republic 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Croatia 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Bulgaria 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Belgium 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Country results for Austria 20/03/2024
BUSINESSEUROPE Reform Barometer 2024 - Putting competitiveness at the forefront of the next political cycle 20/03/2024
Reform Barometer 2024 - Full list of country assessments 20/03/2024
Evaluation and possible revision of the current EU framework for the screening of investments into the Union - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Valdis Dombrovskis 14/07/2023
Last updated: 15 June 2015