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Trade technical issues

Trade technical topics are critical in ensuring that trade and investment take place on a level playing field, granting business the possibility to use certain mechanisms to address market distortions including restrictions on access to raw materials.

Most read / Most viewed: 
June 2023 (.pdf/1.57 MB)

The cross-cutting issues are especially important to Europe’s key industries and, with their input, we can provide valuable information to the European institutions on the importance of clear rules in the following areas: customs and export controls, development policy, market access and raw materials, trade policy instruments.


Position papers
BusinessEurope views on Clean Trade and Investment Partnerships (CTIPs) 11/02/2025
A proactive trade agenda for EU competitiveness: priorities for the next political cycle 12/09/2024
Business views on a European economic security strategy - a BusinessEurope position paper 30/05/2024
Global Gateway initiative - BusinessEurope's suggestions and way forward 22/05/2024
BusinessEurope views on digital trade 06/06/2023
Open strategic autonomy - How trade policy can best support European competitiveness 23/05/2023
Key messages on the foreign subsidies instrument - a BusinessEurope position paper 16/03/2022
BusinessEurope recommendations for the EU Global Gateway initiative 30/11/2021
BusinessEurope reaction to the European Commission legislative proposal on distortive foreign subsidies 13/10/2021
White Paper on foreign subsidies - BusinessEurope's reply to the public consultation 23/09/2020
What trade can do for climate - a BusinessEurope position paper 22/06/2020
Joint statement by European business on the recast of the EU Regulation on Dual-Use Export Controls 29/01/2020
An effective and efficient dual-use export controls regulation 16/10/2019
Prevention and amicable resolution of disputes between investors and public authorities within the single market - BusinessEurope's reply to the public consultation by the European Commission 08/11/2017
BusinessEurope's key points for communication on export controls on dual-use items 27/06/2017
BusinessEurope's views on digital trade 06/02/2017
Press releases
European Economic Security: Striking the right balance between security and competitiveness 30/05/2024
Economic security - Business welcomes clarity and further debate 24/01/2024
Digital trade: companies need clear rules and less divergence 06/06/2023
Open strategic autonomy: economic security measures should not harm EU’s competitiveness 24/05/2023
Important step forward: EU agreement against distortive foreign subsidies 30/06/2022
Foreign subsidies: EU should prevent market distortions 05/05/2021
EU’s trade policy review: Open markets the key to the EU’s resilience 18/02/2021
What trade can do for climate: More than carbon border adjustments 23/06/2020
EU foreign subsidies instrument to address market distortions 17/06/2020
New US sanctions on Russia would mainly hit the EU 24/07/2017
Public letters
EU's trade policy review - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Valdis Dombrovskis 16/06/2021
Trade policy review - BusinessEurope contribution to the public consultation 13/11/2020
Trade restrictions in the healthcare sector - Joint industry COVID-19 letter to EU trade ministers 10/04/2020
Current issues in trade, investment and supply chains - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to EU Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis 07/04/2020
United States sanctions against Cuba (Helms-Burton Act) - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Federica Mogherini 02/05/2019
U.S. sanctions against Iran - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Andrea M. Gacki, OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) of the US Department of the Treasury 15/10/2018
Cross-border data flows and inclusion of specific provisions in free-trade agreements negotiated by the EU - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to Frans Timmermans 30/10/2017
U.S. sanctions against Russia - Letter from Emma Marcegaglia and Markus J. Beyrer to Jean-Claude Juncker 26/07/2017
Reports and studies
Services trade and manufacturing 07/10/2019
A better investment climate in Africa - Business views 18/06/2019
A trade strategy fit for the 21st century 29/04/2019
Last updated: 6 June 2023