BusinessEurope supports an increased role of the private sector in development and believes that the best approach to achieve maximum results is the multi-stakeholder approach, where governments, international organisations, businesses and non-governmental organisations work together. Trade and investment can be useful tools to increase employment, improve governance and the business climate, and contribute to poverty reduction. They can also increase the ownership of projects by local communities and support development of the local private sector, especially of SMEs.

BusinessEurope will continue to promote a strong and constant dialogue between stakeholders. In this context, European businesses from different sectors and of different sizes can share valuable experiences of how they support development when they invest in developing countries, for instance through their corporate social responsibility agendas or directly through investment and infrastructure.
Position papers |
Date |
Recommendations on the EU external financing instruments - a BusinessEurope position paper | 02/10/2020 | |
Trade and sustainable development chapters in EU free-trade agreements | 07/11/2017 |