B20 and B7
The G20 was created to promote a coherent and harmonised response among major economies in times of crisis. Even if the economic and financial situation has improved in the meantime the idea to have a forum where major world players can discuss key strategic topics remains relevant.
Business has a critical role to play in this process as some of the issues or measures being discussed by political leaders have a significant impact on the life of companies. In many cases successful implementation depends on a strong and active engagement from the business community.
BusinessEurope as the leading voice of European business has been very actively involved in the B20 process since the start. We participate in the work led by the various B20 presidencies and are also member of the B20 Coalition - an organisation that groups the major business associations in G20 economies.
The G8, currently G7, is a high-level political forum addressing key international topics related to foreign policy, economic governance, trade, etc. Since key emerging economies are not part of the G7, the G20 was created to ensure broader policy coordination and action in key political or economic topics that have a worldwide impact. G7 and B7 however remain a critical platform to discuss and adopt strategic policy lines important for the world leading economies.