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EU business strongly backs CETA

Today at the EU-Canada Summit political leaders from both sides should officially announce the conclusion of the free-trade negotiations. The EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CETA) is the most ambitious and comprehensive agreement ever negotiated by the EU or Canada and the first one the EU concludes with a Western economy. Talking about CETA Markus J. Beyrer, Director General of BusinessEurope, stated: “The EU must keep a leading role in the world economy. Concluding ambitious and forward-looking trade agreements, such as CETA, shall ensure that the EU economy remains competitive and our companies continue to invest and create jobs in Europe. CETA is a comprehensive, balanced and ambitious agreement and we must not jeopardise this good result. Any step that could undermine Europe’s credibility in the world is irresponsible”.

Last updated: 2 August 2016