Better regulation

The EU must improve its competitiveness to hold its own against both developed and emerging economic blocs around the world. Taking a smart approach to regulation will enhance growth and investment.

The EU should avoid legislative proposals with a disproportionate impact on competitiveness that add no real value to the single market and growth. This requires a sharp focus on smart regulation.

Boosting competitiveness and developing the single market through the use of smart regulation tools to cut red tape and devise proportionate legislation should be a mindset of all decision-makers. It should be a priority for the European Commission, European Parliament and member states.


  • Three key recommendations: focus on competitiveness and growth; reduce burdens, avoid gold-plating

  • Three key principles: proportionality, openness, transparency

  • Three key tools: impact assessments, consultation, evaluation and targets

Boosting competitiveness and developing the single market through the use of smart regulation tools to cut red tape and devise proportionate legislation should be a mindset of all decision-makers. It should be a priority for the European Commission, European Parliament and member states.


  • Three key recommendations: focus on competitiveness and growth; reduce burdens, avoid gold-plating

  • Three key principles: proportionality, openness, transparency

  • Three key tools: impact assessments, consultation, evaluation and targets

Last updated: 15 September 2015