Priorities for the EU Single Market for services 2024-2029
Key messages
- Liberalise cross-border services in Europe through better and more effective implementation of the existing legislative framework, including a comprehensive assessment of the Services Directive, and by ensuring the application of the provisions of the Services Directive in all pending or upcoming legislative initiatives.
- Launch a thorough screening of permitting, licencing and authorisation schemes, starting with the services that are key to manufacturing industry (engineering, industrial installation and maintenance, logistics).
- Ensure transparency in relation to new requirements that need to be evaluated and reinforce compliance with the notification requirement, while guaranteeing the assessment of the proportionality of the requirements for service providers.
- Identify priority regulated professions where shortages are strongest to support worker mobility in most demanded regulated professions, while at the same time promote mutual recognition of qualifications in non-regulated professions with a view to promote a trustbased approach and urge Member States to simplify and de-bureaucratise the process at national level.
- Introduce harmonised, digital solutions for social security rules on business trips and shortterm postings as well as notification obligations for posting of workers, without giving leeway to Member States to impose additional requirements on service providers, and improve access to and provision of complete and up-to-date information for service providers.