Priorities for EU consumer policy - a BusinessEurope position paper
European companies are committed to playing their role in society by producing quality goods and services at competitive prices, creating productive and fulfilling jobs, contributing to the financing of necessary public services and infrastructure, innovating, and delivering enabling technologies for the green and digital transitions (see, here BusinessEurope Reboot agenda). For European companies to deliver on the above, and given that consumers or “prosumers” are becoming more informed, demanding, and well-connected, it is essential to improve the legal environment in which companies operate, to allow them to better adapt to the needs and expectations of consumer markets while staying competitive. Consumer policy plays a key role in the realisation of the climate transition, as well as in fostering competitiveness and further deepening the internal market.
At a time when the European Commission is working on the future EU Consumer Agenda, BusinessEurope would like to set forth its vision for EU consumer policy for the coming 5 years. This approach focuses on three main pillars: establishing a level playing field in the internal market, effective enforcement, and sustainable consumption.