BusinessEurope recommendations for an EU Talent Pool
Key messages
- In bringing forward proposals for how a talent pool could be conceived in the European context, the European Commission should aim to create a pool that member states and employers can use on a voluntary basis to help address employers’ skills needs, complementing the role played by member state nationals and intra-EU labour mobility.
- Hand in hand with developing a talent pool concept, it is important to continue to develop real-time labour market and skills intelligence, which will be a foundation for the successful functioning of a talent pool. In parallel, it is important to enhance the EU’s capacity to gather and interpret comparable and credible data on the need for third country migration.
- Employers are ready to contribute constructively to further discussions on the establishment of an EU Talent Pool, including the modalities around defining the entry criteria to the pool and the matching process, among others.
What does BusinessEurope aim for?
- A European migration policy that facilitates the recruitment and retention of skilled third country nationals in a way that takes into account the differing needs in each national labour market through a more demand driven approach.
- The creation of an EU talent pool that places the emphasis on the matching of skilled third country nationals with job opportunities in the EU.