Revision of the TEN-T regulation - BusinessEurope comments
Key messages
A revision of the TEN-T Regulation should:
- Focus on completion of missing links and improved interconnectivity, capacities and safety across all modes of transport, which should include the objective of enhancing the role of terminals in the governance of the core network corridors.
- Benefit from potential synergies with the frameworks for the Trans-European Telecommunications Network (eTEN) and for Energy (TEN-E) where they serve the sustainable transport objectives.
- Promote a modern infrastructure for alternative fuels for all modes of transport while upholding the maintenance of key existing networks.
- Set mandatory deployment targets for alternative fuels infrastructure in the TEN-T and beyond, maintaining the technological neutrality.
- Foster physical infrastructure enhancements which enable effective digital feeds and incentivise cooperative communication across all modes of transport in order to speed up digitalisation.
- Avoid bureaucratisation and administrative burdens in the governance of TEN-T.
The Trans-European Transport Network is proving to be of fundamental importance in terms of safety and economic and environmental sustainability. Moreover, it must be considered as lifeline which must remain open and operational, enabling the efficient cross-border transport of goods and passengers also during crises periods.
The EU and Member States together must ensure that there is adequate funding and that these networks are connected, expanded, streamlined, upgraded and maintained to be fit for Europe’s future transport needs: increased capacity, digital solutions, a shift to zero- and low-carbon mobility, safety.
The revision of the Regulation must build on the main pillars as outlined in the following.