Gattaz: urgent need to put our economic house in order
“A strong economy is key to build a fair and sustainable Europe”, BusinessEurope's President Pierre Gattaz said at the Tripartite Social Summit on 16 October in Brussels. The main topic of the summit was "Progressing on the social and economic dimensions for a competitive, fair and sustainable Europe: The role of social partners and social dialogue". President Gattaz added that “the economic outlook is deteriorating. It is more urgent than ever to put our economic house in order. European companies are delivering solutions to ensure prosperity, while taking care of people and the planet. But to fully play their role in society, they need a supportive environment”. Getting the social dimension right is crucial if the EU is to deliver for people. Important priorities in this respect are to better meet companies’ changing skills needs, and to ensure the sustainability of national social protection in Europe. Speech - Photos