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EU and US need to work together on key international issues like trade and sanctions

EU business leaders meet Secretary of US Treasury Steven Mnuchin

Today, BusinessEurope Director General Markus J. Beyrer met the Secretary of US Treasury Steven Mnuchin, as part of the Global Business Coalition plenary meeting in Washington, D.C. He expressed the main messages of BusinessEurope: “Both the EU and the USA should remain committed to the international trading system. We are very concerned that the key role of the World Trade Organisation could be damaged or undermined if the dispute settlement body is no longer operational. We might need to reform the institutions and create new rules fit for today’s trade and investment reality. But this we should do together as like-minded partners. Equally, on international sanctions the EU and the USA need a coordinated approach to remain effective and avoid unwanted effects. The US remains Europe’s major trading and investment partner and transatlantic relations should remain strong and driven by a positive agenda. Read more

Last updated: 14 February 2018