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Energy workshop on Winter package - Coherent framework or overlapping policies?

With the recent publication of the ‘Clean energy for all Europeans’ package, the coherence and potential negative interactions of the various targets and instruments under the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework is put into question by many. This is taking place while discussions on reforming the EU emission trading scheme (EU ETS) and effort-sharing regulation are not yet finalised. The current set of proposals and measures proposed by the Commission in the 'clean energy' package, risks overlaps and negative impact on different policy instruments, including the functioning of the EU ETS. BusinessEurope and Eurelectric invite you for a discussion on this burning topic with representatives of the EU institutions and industry.

168, Avenue de Cortenbergh, 1000 Brussels

Tentative programme

10.00 - 10.15 Welcome by Mr Markus J. Beyrer, BusinessEurope Director General
10.15 - 10.45 Keynote presentation by Mr Kristian Ruby Eurelectric Secretary General
10.45 – 12.00

Panel discussion
Moderated by Ms Emilie Alberola (I4CE) and followed by Q&A

  • Ms Anne Bolle, Chair of EURELECTRIC Climate Change Working Group
  • Mr Olivier Imbault, Chair of BusinessEurope Energy & Climate Working Group
  • Mr Stefaan Vergote, Head of Unit, DG Energy, European Commission
  • Mr Jaroslav Zajíček, Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU, Czech Republic
12.00 Concluding remarks


Last updated: 29 March 2017