Did you say TTIP?

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - TTIP - this is an unprecedented agreement that intends to bring the two largest and already most integrated economies in the world even closer. To reach this objective we need to be innovative and find creative solutions to long-standing problems. Above all the agreement needs to be comprehensive, addressing both tariff and non-tariff barriers, providing economic operators with a more friendly business environment.  Our ultimate objective is to boost trade and investment allowing newcomers, in particular SMEs, fully to explore the benefits of the transatlantic market. Together, the European Union and the United States account for more than 50% of world GDP in value, 41% of GDP in purchasing power and one third of world trade flows. The two economies are already well integrated. The USA are the EU principal export destination for both goods (EUR 292 billion) and services (EUR 157 billion). Our economic relationship is unparalleled, anchored by investment ties: the USA are Europe’s primary partner both in outward (EUR 1.4 trillion) and inward (EUR 1.3 trillion) stock investment. a deep and comprehensive TTIP can further enhance our relationship and ensure we reap the benefits of the existing trade and investment ties more fully.

Qs & As about TTIP

To help lift misconceptions and misunderstandings around TTIP, we have compiled answers to 20 questions, for example:

  • What is TTIP and what does it aim for?
  • Who will benefit from TTIP?
  • Why is business supporting these negotiations?
  • Is TTIP an agreement for the big corporations or will it be beneficial for SMEs as well?
  • Could TTIP possibly lead Europe out of the crisis?
  • Will TTIP promote financial deregulation leading to increased economic imbalances?
  • Does TTIP put EU democracy in question in the decision-making process?
  • Is TTIP being negotiated in a secret way without involving all stakeholders? What about transparency?
TTIP: BusinessEurope's press debate

Why does TTIP matter for European business? How can it lead to the establishment of world-class rules and standards? This was the main topic of the press debate organised by BusinessEurope on 23 September 2014, offering European journalists to engage with representatives from industry, trade unions and the consumers. The debate was an opportunity also to discuss controversial aspects of TTIP in a number of areas, including food and product safety, workers rights, environmental and investor protection. NGOs, MEPs, the European Commission, US decision-makers were in the audience.

“Many arguments against TTIP are more or less critics of globalisation. Yet, globalisation is a reality, and TTIP is a good chance to shape it according to our model. In addition, TTIP could be a springboard for SMEs to be ready with globalisation.„ - Markus J. Beyrer, BusinessEurope

“TTIP must work for the people or it won't work at all. Our priorities are: labour standards to be implemented, public services to be respected, ISDS to be excluded.„ - Bernadette Ségol, ETUC

“In principle, we are not against trade agreements, they can bring more choice, lower prices to consumers and impact innovation. Yet, what is in TTIP for consumers remains to be seen. We ask for a meaningful access to texts, more inclusive participation of more stakeholders to give TTIP a chance not to fail - on its merits, not secrecy.„ - Monique Goyens, BEUC

“If trade barriers would be removed, I could hire more people. Big companies might benefit but export-oriented SMEs may benefit even more from TTIP.„ - Carl Martin Welcker, VDMA

Discussing TTIP at the EESC and the Walloon Parliament 23/06/2016
President Emma Marcegaglia discusses TTIP with USTR Michael Froman 08/06/2016
Mission to Washington, DC 07/06/2016
TTIP dialogue with social partners 31/05/2016
Talking about TTIP and environment at the French Parliament 04/05/2016
TTIP on trial 17/03/2016
TTIP won’t be ambitious without regulatory cooperation for financial services 09/03/2016
Acceleration on TTIP during 12th negotiating round 24/02/2016
TTIP – we must remain ambitious 23/02/2016
2016 a decisive year for TTIP 21/01/2016
TTIP: what’s in it for social partners? 17/11/2015
TTIP and opportunities in health care 01/10/2015
TTIP should include fair investor-state dispute settlement 16/09/2015
Energy in TTIP: an economic and strategic interest 15/07/2015
European Parliament sends strong signal to move TTIP negotiations forward 08/07/2015
TTIP will foster sustainability through trade 18/05/2015
Business priorities for customs in TTIP 15/05/2015
TTIP: European Parliament resolution 13/05/2015
BusinessEurope campaigns for TTIP in Washington DC 16/04/2015
TTIP: a question of legitimacy 24/03/2015
TTIP: different angles 10/03/2015
TTIP - European Parliament recommendation 26/02/2015
TTIP outlook: how ambitious and comprehensive? 26/02/2015
TTIP will benefit small companies, in Sweden too 26/02/2015
TTIP for SMEs: concrete cases 16/02/2015
ISDS in TTIP: the way forward 04/02/2015
Commissioner Malmström, together we will make TTIP happen 02/02/2015
TTIP – Let’s do it 02/02/2015
TTIP: is it good for SMEs? 22/01/2015
An ARC across the Atlantic: benefits of a trade and investment agreement with America 22/12/2014
What does business expect from TTIP? 16/12/2014
TTIP key priority for Commissioner Malmström 11/12/2014
TTIP: "Get into the heart of negotiations!" 09/12/2014
TTIP: time to push negotiations forward, BusinessEurope says 09/12/2014
Social aspects in TTIP 02/12/2014
The importance of scope and enforceability in the sustainability chapter of TTIP 12/11/2014
BusinessEurope calls for balance and progress in transparency of TTIP negotiations 31/10/2014
TTIP - Let’s deliver a 21st-century model agreement 14/10/2014
TTIP has to remain comprehensive 02/10/2014
Regulatory component in TTIP is key to success 30/09/2014
TTIP: BusinessEurope's press debate 23/09/2014
TTIP - what’s in it for SMEs 11/09/2014
TTIP - unique opportunity to shape world standards 17/07/2014
BusinessEurope urges for progress on public procurement in TTIP 16/07/2014
Markus J. Beyrer at Rome conference on TTIP 11/07/2014
Promoting TTIP in France 10/06/2014
Business outlines position on energy in the context of TTIP 10/06/2014
ISDS and TTIP: threat or opportunity? – EPC policy dialogue 03/06/2014
TTIP - Progress in public procurement is key 20/05/2014
European business united in strong support for TTIP 15/05/2014
Rapid conclusion of comprehensive TTIP more important than ever 30/04/2014
BusinessEurope in Washington DC 29/04/2014
TTIP needs strong political commitment from both sides of the Atlantic 14/04/2014
BusinessEurope talks investment protection and ISDS at "Friends of TTIP" breakfast 09/04/2014
BusinessEurope writes to Commissioner de Gucht and US Ambassador Froman on TTIP and standards 02/04/2014
Business says agreement on TTIP must bring meaningful results 24/03/2014
Strong investment protection chapter needed in TTIP 14/03/2014
TTIP stakeholder event 12/03/2014
TTIP: a comprehensive agreement could reinvigorate the economy – joint statement 10/03/2014
BusinessEurope tells EU trade ministers: investment protection a TTIP priority 28/02/2014
British PM quotes BusinessEurope in Davos speech 24/01/2014
Regulatory cooperation in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) 04/12/2013
BusinessEurope and US business call the EU and US to act against misappropriation of trade secrets 23/10/2013
EP hearing on trade and economic relations with the US 14/10/2013
EU-US SME Workshop 08/10/2013
Markus J. Beyrer at DI Conference on TTIP, Copenhagen 07/10/2013
Business Alliance for TTIP 16/05/2013
Press releases Date
Joint statement - Business groups express their continued support for TTIP negotiations 05/09/2016
TTIP negotiations must go on 30/08/2016
Business Alliance for TTIP reiterates call for comprehensive TTIP agreement 21/04/2016
TTIP – we must remain ambitious 23/02/2016
TTIP should include fair investor-state dispute settlement 16/09/2015
TTIP - Let's do it - a BusinessEurope press release 02/02/2015
Joint business statement ahead of the 8th round of negotiations on the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) 30/01/2015
Joint statement by EU and US association on the European Commission release of the TTIP investment consultation report 13/01/2015
TTIP can improve settlement of investment disputes - a BusinessEurope press release 13/01/2015
TTIP: "Get into the heart of negotiations!" 09/12/2014
European business united in strong support for TTIP - Press release from the European Business Alliance for TTIP 15/05/2014
U.S. Chamber and BusinessEurope leaders: rapid conclusion of comprehensive TTIP agreement more important than ever 30/04/2014
TTIP: a comprehensive agreement could reinvigorate the European economy and create jobs - Joint statement from the Business Alliance for TTIP 10/03/2014
Business organisations announce alliance for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership 16/05/2013
Position papers Date
High expectations for 14th round – EU and US must deliver now on TTIP 11/07/2016
United States Chamber of Commerce and BusinessEurope joint statement on customs in TTIP 06/10/2015
TTIP: the sustainability chapter 18/05/2015
Customs priority issues for TTIP 15/05/2015
EP draft resolution on TTIP negotiations - BusinessEurope comments 24/02/2015
European Ombudsman public consultation on transparency of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations - Reply by BusinessEurope 31/10/2014
Regulatory component in the TTIP: key to success - Statement by the Business Alliance for TTIP 30/09/2014
Public consultation on modalities for investment protection and ISDS in TTIP - Response from BusinessEurope 11/07/2014
Energy in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - a BusinessEurope position paper 10/06/2014
Investor-state dispute settlement: a necessary mechanism to ensure investment protection - a BusinessEurope position paper 02/05/2014
Standards in the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - a BusinessEurope position paper 25/03/2014
Public procurement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - a BusinessEurope position paper 11/12/2013
Advancing regulatory cooperation in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - a BusinessEurope position paper 28/11/2013
Public letters Date
TTIP and regulatory cooperation for financial services - Joint letter from BusinessEurope and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to Cecilia Malmström and Michael Froman 09/03/2016
Investment protection and the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer to MEPs Gianni Pittella and Bernd Lange 13/03/2015
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - Letter from BusinessEurope President Emma Marcegaglia to European Commission President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker 20/10/2014
European business calls for inclusion of financial services regulatory cooperation into TTIP talks - Letter from Markus J. Beyrer, BusinessEurope Director General, and Pascal Kerneis, ESF Managing Director, to Commissioner Karel De Gucht 22/11/2013
Joint BusinessEurope, NAM and TABC letter on Trade Secrets in the TTIP 23/10/2013
Reports and studies Date
TTIP – What's in it for small and medium-sized enterprises 22/01/2015
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): the regulatory component - Joint paper by BusinessEurope and the US Chamber of Commerce 30/04/2014
Why TTIP matters to European business 16/04/2014
Event Date
Business organisations common declaration on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – Business round table at the Employers Group of the European Economic and Social Committee 16/12/2014
Speeches Date
EESC hearing on TTIP - Speech by Carsten Dannöhl, Wednesday 16 October 2013 16/10/2013
TTIP: Regulatory Cooperation Mission (im)possible? Presentation by Reinhard Quick, Chairman of BusinessEurope’s working group on free-trade agreements, at the European Parliament INTA Committee hearing 14/10/2013
How to move towards a successful Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - Address by Markus J. Beyrer, BusinessEurope's Director General, breakfast of the EP SME Intergroup, Brussels 05/06/2013

Let’s talk about TTIP (full version)


Let’s talk about TTIP


Luisa Santos

Deputy Director General
+32 2 237 65 28

Eleonora Catella

Deputy Director
+32 2 237 65 65